Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Explaining Game Platforms.

I am evaluating the game Journey the PlayStation and Xbox game made by unity.The music of the game play caught  my eye in the trailer I also think they graphics is amazing Id defiantly buy it if I had a PlayStation instead of an Xbox.The music in the game journey really suits the game because it
Here is the video take a look for yourself.
:D Also this game is made by Sony.

Unity is a really good gaming platform for kids at school and adults of all ages.The game Never Alone is based in Alaska and their scary snow storms and its amazing how you can do this on just on one website called Unity.The game never alone is like a adventure game where you can go to level to level on this game.The community was connecting with the youth so want to turn it around so the got the kids that dropped out to smoke drugs and hang out and not make a future for them and their kid's.
The percentage for the kids graduating was 56 percent and now it has been prompted up to 91 percent.This game is really good because it got the kids that dropped out to go back into school and finish the school year and graduate.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Error Control

What are parity cards.A parity card is a form of two colors Black and White and numbers of 1 and 0.So Miss Chowfin put us in groups of four and five and four and we try to find where the error was and afterwards when you have found the error by the way the black and white colors must be even if they are not even you can see where the errors are the game was really fun and then Miss sent us onto our computers to try the online version of the parity game.This picture right here is what a parity card/Trick is.Also the black and white cards wore placed down like the photo but on the ground and you had to detect the error

Thanks for Reading

By Reid Olsen