Friday, 9 September 2016

Week7 Reflection

So this week we have been doing St Johns
and a lot and I mean a lot of maths, like order of operations and graphs.

I need to work on my graphs and also bar graphs.
I been working on my country study, I'm doing Germany.

Here is the link to my study :)

Hey guys click here #NO CLICKBAIT

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Gaming With Reid

So what you need for gaming

1* A good decent YouTube channel with 500 sub subscribers
Image result for gaming setup2* A decent PC like lg or hp etc
3* A good mic like yeti
4* A can do attitude that can get you like 1k sub's

Image result for blue yeti gaming setup
Image result for youtube logo

Friday, 2 September 2016

T3 Week6

This week we have been  a bit busy that's why we haven't been doing weekly posts but now we are back :)

Now this week we have been doing tie dye, this was a really fun experiment.
And also we did Country study and I'm doing Germany.

Here is the link :) Deutschland (Germany).

Also were doing the art soiree Next week for a tie dye.

Here is 3 sentence topic and i did the digestive system and how you get diarrhea.And explanations.     Topic Sentences for our Paragraphs

how the digestive system
The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestie, large intestine which includes the rectum—and anus. Food enters the mouth and passes to the anus through the hollow organs of the GI tract. The liver, pancas, and gallbladder are the solid organs.
how the digestive system diarrhea
Diarrhea is a liquid that is mainly caused when you don't process your food right (Aka)Mcdonalds double cheeseburger (I’m looking at you jeffrey)
The system
Image result for digestive systeml
The digstive system is a group of organs working together to conert food into energy and basic nutrints to feed the entire body. Food passes through a long tube inside the body known as the alimntary canal or the tract (GI tract).